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This study is entitled “The Coordination Mechanism on the Investigation of Violent Crimes and Other Crimes in Quezon City: Basis for Translating General Policy Provisions into Specifics.” It is conducted to assess the coordination mechanism on the investigation of violent crimes and other crimes in Quezon City as basis for translating general policy provisions into specifics. Likewise, this study included the profile of the respondents, the respondents’ assessment on the coordination mechanism on the investigation of violent crimes and other crimes, the changes that can be proposed on the coordination mechanism on the investigation of violent crimes and other crimes, the significant difference in the assessment of the respondents, the significant difference on the proposed changes and the proposed manual revisions.
A descriptive research design was used in the study. A stratified random sampling was employed in the study. Fifty seven (57) police investigators of the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) and One hundred ninety one (191) community members or residents of Quezon City served as the respondents of the study. It was hypothesized that there is no significant difference in the respondents’ assessment on the coordination mechanism on the investigation of violent crimes and other crimes and the proposed changes on the coordination mechanism on the investigation of violent crimes and other crimes. Data were generated from secondary sources and through the conduct of a survey using a structured questionnaire. Percentage, weighted mean and analysis of variance were applied in the analysis of data.
From the survey and interviews conducted among the police investigators and members of the community, the respondents rated the five variables namely crime scene investigation, case build-up investigation, case conferences, case presentation and case tracking in relation to coordination mechanism on the investigation of violent crimes and other crimes in Quezon City as highly relevant though matters surrounding the conduct of crime scene investigation was given emphasis since evidence gathered in a crime scene can be determinants whether a case can stand up in court or not. This means that the factors identified are of such magnitude as to the successful resolution of a case filed in court. It is expected that the police investigators should abide the guidelines set forth by the Philippine National Police as a whole.
The overall findings of the study showed that the two groups of respondents have significant difference on the coordination mechanism on the investigation of violent crimes and other crimes in Quezon City as well as to the proposed changes in terms of crime scene investigation, case build-up and investigation, case presentation, case conferences and case tracking.
Corollary to this, it was concluded that the assessment of the group of respondents on the proposed changes on the coordination mechanism on the investigation of violent crimes and other crimes in Quezon City of the five variables were all highly recommended as reflected on the grand mean that was obtained. They believed that designing a progressive and holistic training for the investigators to have a systematic way of conducting crime scene investigation as part of the educational enhancement of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and in line with the PNP Integrated Transformation Program (PNP-ITP) would abreast the investigators updated with the current trends and challenges in investigation, thus, adhering to the principle of “putting the right man to the right job”.
Furthermore, factual and appropriate budget for the procurement of vital investigation paraphernalia’s in the conduct and processing of crime scene investigation to complement with the advancing facet of modern and digital technology should be allotted. Having modern technology and equipment in the conduct of investigation will fast track and ensure an airtight case to give justice to the victim/s.
On the aspect of differences on the views of the two groups of respondents, it was realized that the conduct of regular awareness drive among the community members would result to a parallel understanding with the law enforcement as to the importance and role of coordination mechanism in the success of investigation of specific crimes. Use of tri-media as an avenue for a more sophisticated and widely public awareness dissemination would highlight activity such as this.
Correspondingly, the distinction on the assessment of the respondents as to the proposed changes with the existing coordination mechanism of Quezon City in investigating violent crimes and other crimes would be lessened by the conduct of pre-survey and comparative study relative to the existing policy. Consideration of opinions and/or suggestions from the investigators and concerned public citizen would also aid the formulation of creating, specific policy from general policy to be followed by the investigators and other members of the law enforcement in the conduct of investigation of violent crimes and other crimes. This specific policies would also give knowledge to the members of the community who might be involved in the investigation, whether a concerned private or government agency or victims and/or relative of victims so they would know the nuts and bolts of a certain case.
Moreover, adapting the necessary and appropriate changes in the existing coordination mechanism on investigation of violent crimes and other crimes in Quezon City would tailor fit with the present situation. The manual that would be created as a result of the study on the modern methods of criminal investigation applicable in the country would be beneficial.
In addition, implementation of the proposed changes should be considered for immediate adaption and realization to enhance the coordination mechanism of Quezon City Police District. The significance of these changes would absolutely elevate the quality of coordination mechanism of Quezon City Police District that would subsequently result to more specific guidelines to be followed by members of investigating team in terms of coordination mechanism.
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